A truly astounding UX oversight that one can search “Star Wars bar” in the Disneyland app and Oga’s Cantina is not among the results. (I remembered that it was called “Oga’s Cantina” as I was typing this.)
A truly astounding UX oversight that one can search “Star Wars bar” in the Disneyland app and Oga’s Cantina is not among the results. (I remembered that it was called “Oga’s Cantina” as I was typing this.)
The other day I was a bar and a strange approached me. He asked, "Are you Paul Rust?" I said no. He smiled and put his hand out for a shake and said "I'm a big fan, just finished the series, loved it." I said "No, I'm not Paul Rust."
Did he think I was joking? Was he just rehearsing his big Paul Rust intro so hard that he didn't hear my answer? Does Paul Rust famously deny his identity in public?
I started playing Hoplite last night and now I think I may never stop!
The flagrant consumerism in Roku City is frankly out of control
I just discovered that All Electronics is going out of business! I've never actually been here or purchased anything from them, but I enjoyed knowing they were there the next time I need a motor or a switch or a potentiometer or whatever. I'll need to visit soon and snatch up everything that looks vaguely interesting.
Also, I'm really sad that I cannot find a brick-and-mortar store that compares to this place. All the reviews are like, “There's no place like All Electronics!“
Inspired by Jeremy, I have disallowed Google crawling my personal website. I don't expect this to change my life in any way, except that it feels nice in this exact moment. I would say goodbye to Google but they wouldn't see it lol
The newest addition to my bag of tricks in trying to get people away from Figma: The New CSS by Matthias Ott. No design tool can accurately capture what is possible in a browser better than the technologies the browser offers us!
Spirit Halloween has released their first teaser video for this season's props, which means it's now Halloween. Happy Halloween!
Side project update: just bought a domain name for a new side project
I’m just realizing the lyrics to the Blue’s Clues theme song are:
‘Cause when we use our minds and take a step at a time We can do anything that we wanna do
For 20(?) years I thought it was “take a step out of time,” which somehow described the supernatural ability of skidoo-ing into a picture, which was apparently always necessary to solve Blue’s puzzles. But now I understand that this is nothing.
Another banger from Ted Chiang: Will A.I. Become the New McKinsey?
For those of you who chart the weather by my watch band: I switched from leather to nylon today so now it is warm
This is all great advice: Reasonable System for JavaScript Structure
Such a bummer to watch all the clever technologists who managed to avoid the thrall of blockchains finally get suckered by Markov chains
Drinking a beer on the little French street at Universal Studios Hollywood and realizing there’s nowhere to buy a regular candy bar here
I started using Obsidian on December 21 and I've managed to add something to it every day since, even if only just a journal entry. It's really fun to watch it slowly fill with thoughts, and I think I'm more keen to take notes on whatever ideas are in my head than I was before this was in front of me.
My local Dunkin has installed digital kiosks since last I visited. I wasn't going to use them, but the cashier cheerily invited me to do so, then watched while I struggled through the interface. I had to scroll to the donuts and then the kind I wanted wasn't even there, so she said "just choose anything, what would you like?" And then I was ordering with the computer and the human simultaneously. Also the touch screen felt gross.
Computers are bad but maybe this is what I deserve for frequenting a Dunkin in Los Angeles, City of Donut Shops
Today we saw Death of a Salesman starring Wendell Pierce and Mike Birbiglia: The Old Man & the Pool starring Mike Birbiglia. Both were terrific and in very different ways, if you can believe it!