John Holdun


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Lots of measuring devices and survey equipment suspended from the ceiling in a cloud of tools

Loved this installation, sadly cannot remember who created it

Ballroom Marfa

A quiet intersection in Marfa. Wide empty streets, a railroad crossing, and City Hall in the far distance. Big sky, puffy clouds.


Graffiti that reads “You'll Be Fine” in blue with a “D” in orange at the end so it reads “You'll Be Fined”

Garza Marfa

A gravel road, an old wood fence, and an interesting-looking building with a big neon sign that reads RESTAURANT. Looks like it's maybe from the 50s and maybe hasn't been open since then.


A rough wooden porch overlooking a dirt yard full of mismatched chairs and tables

Lost Horse Saloon

The wall of a café featuring a pretty flyer that reads

Do Your Thing

A plate of fajitas to share, eating already well in progress

Fajitas 🤤

Marfa Spirit Co

A distant blimp in the desert, tethered to the ground

Is this one of the 25 blimps? Apparently it stays tethered to a circular track (!). It's also operated by border patrol so fuck this blimp

The desert, and an old weathered fence in the foreground. The fence is covered in padlocks and a sticker that reads

Behind Prada Marfa. I'm not familiar with Mission Synths but shout out to them

Prada Marfa

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