John Holdun


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A first-person view of a shopping card outside of the automatic doors for a grocer store. Others with carts are also milling about, waiting for opening

Waiting for the doors to open. Gotta get all those flowers.

Trader Joe's

A shot from high up in a backyard, looking out at a bright blue sky and the Bay in the far distance. Lots of healthy trees in the middle ground.


Some of the Halloween characters positioned under the tent temporarily. The pedaler is propped up with a blue 5 gallon bucket, and the welder is clamped to a tripod.

I like the welder up high like this

Various cardboard sculptures arranged in the driveway—the kneeling skeleton and ducks, the painter climbing up a woooden palette, a traffic cone

Figuring out placement for Halloween

A head-on view down through the carport tent. Unpainted cardboard sculptures line the sides of the space, mostly filling out its length.

It all seems to be about the right size!

A cardboard skeleton propped up on a work table. It's got a welding mask on, and no arms yet, and its legs are just temporarily clamped in place. One leg is up on a precarious stack of rolls of tape.

Figuring out leg placement for the welder. Proud of those ribs.

A weathered plywood board painted white and tied to the limb of a tree with a discolored white ribbon. Three printed sheets of what appears to be poetry are stapled to the board; the only readable one at this distance says “Silens - this is how Shakespeare spelled ‘silence’ - isn't it beautiful?”

Holding a root beer Dum Dum Pop over a very clean tiled floor

Got my booster at Children's Hospital and they gave me a Dum Dum

Children's Hospital Los Angeles

A janky printed ad for “Christian Wilde’s Enhanced Turmeric Formula™ Dietary Supplement.” It's framed, but clearly wasn't designed for the shape of frame it's in. Awkward all around.

My doctor's office had these very DIY ads all over the place? I didn't care for it?

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