John Holdun


The words “She loved chocolate bar” in a light pink script font over a deep blue background.

From a blog post about generating dynamic prose by Aaron A. Reed. She loved chocolate bar.

Another day of trying to convince Frontend Engineers that they deserve better than CSS-in-JS, another day I want to throw my computer in the river

There are a lot of good reasons to leave Instagram, but for some reason I find the network effect stronger there than it was on Twitter. I think some of that is how high the garden's walls are; I get a lot of specific information about people and local businesses I care about from their Instagram Stories which can't be seen without an account and usually doesn't exist anywhere else.

I wish I could tell those people—indirectly, collectively, with only the slightest provocation—that they are the reason I'm still there. I bet many of those people feel the same way, about me or others, and wish they could do the same. We could probably use that information to lift entire slices out of the Meta social graph all at once.

I still go to cohost dot org almost every single day even though I am fully aware that there will be nothing new to see

For those of you who chart the weather by my watch band: I switched from nylon to leather today so now it is cold

Well I did it! After two years of having a yard for Halloween and barely anything to show for it, I set a goal this year that I’d present a spooky scene for the entire month of October. More to come—there’s lots I want to do to embellish this over the coming weeks—but I’m so proud of myself.

Another banger from Ted Chiang: Why A.I. Isn’t Going to Make Art

Plywood figures depicting two people in hazmat suits who seem completely out of control of themselves

Working on this year’s Halloween display! It’s about some guys who try to tame a sudden overgrowth in a suburban park and get their shit absolutely rocked by the mutant plants.

Community Q&A

Los Angeles River Bike Path

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